Monday, May 24, 2004

The Kerry Konvention

OpinionJournal - "Kerry's nomination gambit makes a mockery of campaign finance 'reform.'". Maybe now we can see the weasels for what they are. This should backfire. Frankly, I can't see Jennings or Rather having any respect for a nominating convention that doesn't even nominate a candidate. To me, this has Terry McCauliffe's skunky prints all over it.

Key quote:
Of course, the late July date was the Democratic Party's own choice--and it was selected precisely so it would let the nominee accept matching federal campaign funds a month earlier than President Bush, who will be nominated in late August. The assumption had been that the Democratic candidate would have run out of cash by this summer, but Mr. Kerry has been raising more money than he expected. In other words, Mr. Kerry embraced the rules when they helped him but now wants to ignore them when they don't.

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