Monday, February 14, 2005

Chris Rock and the Oscars

The hubbub about Chris Rock is painfully silly. The comment he made, "Abortion, it's beautiful, it's beautiful abortion is legal. I love going to an abortion rally to pick up women, cause you know they are f**king," was, I believe part of his last HBO special, and is intended to be a JOKE. You know, a joke? Like I tell a joke and you laugh, because there's a certain absurdity in the logic?

I have been at times a fan of Sean Hannity, but he's going after Rock pretty hard on his radio show as I write this, and he's wrong. He doesn't know the context and he really doesn't get Chris Rock, who is one of the funniest guys around. Sure he's kind of dirty, but he also has some great insights, and dammit, he's funny as hell. Please don't pillory this guy for being who he is.

According to Drudge, some Academy insiders are expressing "concern," about Rock hosting the upcoming Academy Awards Show. Well, they could have expressed the same concern many, many weeks ago because this comment about abortion clinic pickups is not that new. Rock may not have been the best pick for the Oscar hosting job -- he may also be a GREAT choice, who knows? -- but to pretend you didn't know about his humor until now rings pretty hollow, and is unfair to the guy to whom you just offered the job. He wasn't hiding anything, that's for sure.

As for Rock's comment that abortion is "beautiful;" in context, this is a joke about how to pick up willing women, not that abortion is good, or bad for that matter. Is that so hard to understand? For Hannity it apparently is, or else he simply doesn't care to approach this intelligently. Chris Rock does not deserve this kind of treatment.

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