Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Protesting Too Much About Social Security Reform

Pete DuPont in OpinionJournal nails it. Read the whole thing, because he points out how hypocritical (and wrong) all the carpers (AARP, Pelosi, Harry Reid) really are then, the money quote:
Ultimately the argument isn't about investment accounts, or stocks or bonds or 'gambling' or 'insecurity.' It is about socialism versus individualism, about Attlee's social justice and Hillary's common good and Chomsky's economic solidarity. AARP CEO William Novelli is in favor of allowing the government to invest Social Security surplus funds in the stock market, but against allowing individuals to do so--exactly the socialist argument, that government should control the distribution of the nation's wealth.
When you increase an individual's wealth, he becomes less dependent on government, and his attitude towards government changes. Socialists can't allow that, for it erodes their fundamental principle that social justice can only be achieved when important segments of the economy are under government control.

You cannot trust people who insist you are not smart enough to manage your own money.

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