Monday, February 21, 2005

Taxes aren't funny ...

Or cute, or whimsical or fun. I just heard, for the the hundredth time, a radio ad for TurboTax, in which a perky couple talk about how easy and great the software is, finding deductions they hadn't thought of, and ending with a cute refrerence to the "little tax deductions jumping on the sofa." Gag me.

The fact is, if it weren't for the grotesquely complicated tax code with which our leaders have saddled us, there would be no need for software such as TurboTax. This company has every right to make a product designed to help people deal with a complex problem, but when will it dawn on people that taxes don't NEED to be so complex (not to mention unfair) that individual taxpayers need a computer or an accountant to figure them out? Here's an alternative ad for TurboTax.

HUSBAND: Honey, please keep the kids quiet. I'm working on our taxes.

WIFE: Sorry, Dear. You've been working on that for three weeks. I thought you were all finished.

HUSBAND: Are you kidding? This stuff is incomprehensible. I have to spend at least a half hour researching each deduction, just to make sure we're entitled to it. It takes forever.

WIFE: Why don't you call the IRS for help?

HUSBAND: Because they lie, honey. Either that or they don't know what they're talking about. Remember last year, they told us 80% of our Emily's (name changed to avoid an audit) college education was deductible?

WIFE: Yes.

HUSBAND: Lie. Lie. Lie. That's why we owed another $500 instead of getting a refund. Bastards.

WIFE: Isn't there a better way? I mean, short of leaving the country?

ANNOUNCER: Now there IS a better way. Now there's TurboTax, the tax prep software that will put your taxes in order, as near as we can tell, in no time. Find all the deductions and credits possible, because the IRS is bound to deny a couple of them. Beat those bastards. With TurboTax.


Only in my dreams, unfortunately.

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