Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Kerry down for the count -- for the moment.

DRUDGE reports Kerry's poll number exceedingly low, but lower than Joe McCarthy? Pretty bad. The comparison is interesting, but Kerry's campaign seriously miscued on using the Vietnam war as the backdrop for his campaign. It always seemed weird that a guy who protested that war so vocally (and inappropriately) would try to use his service as a prime talking point. He's anti-war, but a hawk? He betrays fellow servicemen and then wants to lead them? Whatever you think of Kerry's politics, this just never computed for me. Yes, the war in Iraq is in trouble. Talk about THAT. And don't just tell us you're going to put together a REAL coalition (insults to the Poles, Germans, Spanish et al who helped us), and how GWB is WRONG. This is meaningless drivel, even if your main point is correct.

Kerry COULD get his points back in debates, but I'm not too sure at this point.

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